TITLE Variations of the Rectangular Fuzzy Assessment Model and Applications to Human Activities |
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ABSTRACT The Rectangular Fuzzy Assessment Model (RFAM) is based on the popular in fuzzy mathematics COG defuzzification technique. In the paper at hands the RFAM and its variations GRFAF, TFAM and TpFAM, developed for treating better the ambiguous assessment situations being at the boundaries between two successive assessment grades, are presented and their outcomes are compared to each other through the corresponding outcomes of a traditional assessment method of the bi-valued logic, the Grade Point Average (GPA) index. Examples are also presented illustrating our results. |
KEYWORDS Grade Point Average (GPA) index, Centre of Gravity (COG) defuzzification technique, Rectangular Fuzzy Assessment Model (RFAM), Generalized RFAM (GRFAM), Triangular FAM (TFAM), Trapezoidal FAM (TpFAM) |
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Cite this paper Michael Gr. Voskoglou. (2017) Variations of the Rectangular Fuzzy Assessment Model and Applications to Human Activities. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 115-124 |