

Elmira Kushta, Dode Prenga



Using Tests’ Indexes to Improve the Assessment of the Conceptual Knowledge: a Case Study.

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The use of statistical indexes for a standard concept inventory test is a standard tools for evaluation of the test reliability and discrimination power, whereas the Rasch analysis is a well-known calibration technique for these tests. Herein we harmonize both tools in a step-by-step procedure for a better assessment of the student’s conceptual knowledge in physics. Initially we conducted a standard Force Concept Inventory test in a sample of students and evaluated the reliability and discrimination indexes of the items. Next we requested that all items’ indexes measurement in a given test must fulfill reliability and discrimination prerequisites, before using them for further calculation. After adding data from the supplementary FCI test we realized the fulfillment of this ad-hoc criterion, and next those data are used for a better assessment of the CI in physics knowledge and evaluation of major factors that affect students’ knowledge.


physics concepts, education study, the Rasch technique, factorial analysis


Cite this paper

Elmira Kushta, Dode Prenga. (2023) Using Tests’ Indexes to Improve the Assessment of the Conceptual Knowledge: a Case Study. . International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 8, 18-26


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