

Adriana Caicedo Castillo, Gustavo Adolfo Ramirez Ruiz, Natalia Gonzalez Correa



The Teaching and Transversality of the Afrocolombian Study Cathedral in Search of Visibilization

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In the Colombian context, research on the application of the Chair of Afro-Colombian Studies (CEA By its Spanish acronym)) is not recent. However, these had been concentrated in territories with a majority African descendant population, but in regions where this population does not exceed 40% (National Administrative Department of Statistics DANE, 1993), as is the case of the Municipality of Tuluá (D.N.P. National Council of Economic and Social Policy. CONPES, 1997) , are lagging behind and its effect in relation to invisibility and Epistemic racism, is worrying. To the extent that the CEA has not been evident in the areas of knowledge, generating the impossibility of important processes of self-identification, affirmation, and dignification of the Afro-Colombian condition in the world of the school and in the life of the student. Objective: Generate pedagogical strategies that contribute to the mainstreaming in the different areas of knowledge of the CEA and its application in the Educational Institutions of the communes 7, 8 and 9 Methodology: To approach this project assumes the qualitative research according to (Lincoln & Denzin, 1994) is an interdisciplinary field, transdisciplinary and often against disciplinary. It crosses the humanities, the social sciences and the physical sciences. Based on this definition and identification of reality, we proceeded to the documentation and analysis of the information provided by the various actors of the educational communities Results: As a result of the reflections and analysis of the study, the brochure is designed as a pedagogical tool that contributes to its mainstreaming in the areas of knowledge. This document is a pilot aimed at teachers, with a theme based on problematizing questions, which takes as its main axis the Citizens' Competencies as seen from the Competence Standards and the conceptual axes of each area of knowledge, in the same way it is discriminated according to The complexity of each learner's learning level. The primer seeks to make known the socio-cultural, historical, political, and technological processes, such as the appropriation of the concept of ethnic diversity.


Culture, Multiculturalism, Inclusion, Education, Teaching, Transversality, Pedagogy


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Cite this paper

Adriana Caicedo Castillo, Gustavo Adolfo Ramirez Ruiz, Natalia Gonzalez Correa. (2017) The Teaching and Transversality of the Afrocolombian Study Cathedral in Search of Visibilization. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 125-132


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