

José Eduardo Padilla Beltrán, Yaneth Patricia Caviativa Castro, María Inés Mantilla



Educational Resources With Digital Contents for Pedagogical and Research Formation in Technologies of Knowledge and Learning

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When teaching in education, we confront pedagogical challenges due to continuous changes in technologies and adjustments to curriculums in academic programs of informatics and computational sciences. These emerging technologies require of a student to appropriate of new challenges, concepts and models for their performance in their labor. One way to achieve this is through courses or diplomats, looking for having a professional and informed future according to the vanguard of changes in new technology. In this context, it is presented an educational experience centered in cooperative learning with design, development and implementation of a diplomat. Five virtual objects were used. This was a qualitative and descriptive research with a case of study as an investigation model. Results were positive in the construction of significant knowledge as well as in the characterization of collaborative learning in evaluating category.


Education, Education resources, Digital Systems, Technologies of Knowledge and Learning


Cite this paper

José Eduardo Padilla Beltrán, Yaneth Patricia Caviativa Castro, María Inés Mantilla. (2019) Educational Resources With Digital Contents for Pedagogical and Research Formation in Technologies of Knowledge and Learning. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 4, 36-41


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