AUTHOR(S): Anna Zotova, Svetlana Ashmarina, Elena Kandrashina
ABSTRACT Today, the educational community is subjected to rapid changes. Universities, educational consortia and entire countries are doing their best to attract international students. These are mobile young people (there are more than 5 million people in the world), possessing great abilities. The development of information technology entailed the boom of on-line educational startups. So the main task of this research work is to define the influence of some e-learning global trends on intellectual capital development in the the frame of high education system and assess the readiness of Russian universities to such influence. |
KEYWORDS global educational trends, universities, e-learning |
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Cite this paper Anna Zotova, Svetlana Ashmarina, Elena Kandrashina. (2017) E-trends in Russian High Education System. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 272-276 |