

Asya Asenova, Zdravka Simeonov



Design of University e-course in Electronics for Future Engineers

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This article describes the process of designing the model for e-learning and the current design of a university course in Electronics for second-year students in Industrial engineering major of ELFE at Technical University-Sofia. The described process involves analysis of the reasons for the development of the model, analysis of the theoretical, methodological and technological aspects and conclusions of the preliminary studies of the academic environment. Virtual tools implemented in LabVIEW graphical programming environment are integrated with the e-course in Electronics. The functions of the studied device to be simulated are selected very precisely and they are adapted for use at the right time on the right level of training. Simulation models implemented as a virtual experiment add a new emphasis which is usually not sufficiently covered in the traditional exercises, thus posing a problem for students.


E-learning, Distance learning, Course design, Methodological frame


Cite this paper

Asya Asenova, Zdravka Simeonov. (2020) Design of University e-course in Electronics for Future Engineers. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 5, 5-9


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