

Adrian A. Adăscăliței



Contributions to the Basis and Applications of the e-Learning Pedagogy in Engineering Education

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This article presents contributions to the introduction and efficient use of the Internet and educational platforms, Learning Content Management Systems (LCMS), in education of all levels, has been and is a primary concern of the teaching staff from higher education institutions, at the Teacher Training Departments of ”Gh. Asachi” Technical University Asachi and ”Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania. Collaboration with state universities from the Republic of Moldova, and with Menoufia University, Egypt, is also mentioned. Efforts to define the notions of e-Learning Pedagogy needed by teachers using online STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education are reviewed. The contributions in Blended Teaching and Learning (BTL) in the context of introducing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational process are highlighted. Since STEM Education also involves conducting laboratory experiments and simulations, virtual experiments have been implemented and exemplified.


e-learning Pedagogy, online educational platforms, Moodle, Significant publications, courseware, electromagnetic compatibility


Cite this paper

Adrian A. Adăscăliței. (2023) Contributions to the Basis and Applications of the e-Learning Pedagogy in Engineering Education. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 8, 77-83


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