AUTHOR(S): Paul Mihai Mircea, Denisa Rusinaru, Marian Ciontu, Leonardo Geo Manescu, Ion Mircea, Gabriel Cosmin Buzatu
TITLE Computer Assisted Training Tools Used to Increase Staff Performance |
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ABSTRACT This paper presents two of the new training opportunities offered by the “Bridge Grant” projects to increase the partner staff performance, training tools to exercise in risk free conditions. The training tools system consists of a Safety Training simulator – Java Script aplication that allows the study of various dangerous regimes to humans’, regimes that may occur in electrical installations, when a fault occurs, and a training system - SCADA application which is linked to a dynamic power system simulator, which calculates and presents economic indicators to qualify the economic state of the power system. Engineers can follow the indicators during online operation and see the safety and economic result of all operations in terms of being most secure / profitable or not. |
KEYWORDS knowledge transfer, training tools, risk free, energy efficiency, power system |
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Cite this paper Paul Mihai Mircea, Denisa Rusinaru, Marian Ciontu, Leonardo Geo Manescu, Ion Mircea, Gabriel Cosmin Buzatu. (2017) Computer Assisted Training Tools Used to Increase Staff Performance. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 150-155 |