TITLE Barriers and Enablers of Tacit Knowledge Transfer in Australian Higher Education Institutions |
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ABSTRACT Transfer of tacit knowledge is essential and higher education institutions play a crucial role in the transfer of tacit knowledge. This study seeks to understand the barriers and enablers of tacit knowledge transfer, specifically in the context of universities. Interviews of academics in four Australian universities were conducted. Data has been reported based on a structured interpretative approach. Results from the research may thus lead to more complete conclusions regarding the barriers and enablers of tacit knowledge transfer within the academic community. The findings suggest that human, social and organisational culture factors are addressed to ensure successful tacit knowledge transfer |
KEYWORDS Tacit Knowledge, Tacit Knowledge Transfer, Barriers, Enablers, Higher Education Institutions, Universities, Knowledge Management, Australia |
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Cite this paper Ritesh Chugh. (2017) Barriers and Enablers of Tacit Knowledge Transfer in Australian Higher Education Institutions. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 277-281 |