

Safaa S. Mahmoud



An Intelligent System For Smart On-Line Training Courses

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This paper proposed an intelligent diagnosis system for managing the Virtual Educational Enterprises in the e-learning community through the on-line training system that supports a Web-based training model. The online training system is centered in reusability, accessibility, durability and interoperability of course content and environments of virtual education. The structuring model for dynamic composition of these components is based on the concept graph knowledge representation model. The multi-agent architecture as a middleware for open WEB systems is developed for sequencing and delivery of e-courses. A basic problem faced by the E-Learning community systems is how to produce and deliver quality content for online training experiences, being able to compose, revise and update this content in an efficient way. This arise the issues of interoperability (content from multiple sources working equally well with different learning systems) and reusability (content developed in one context being transferable to another context), which are imperative to the sustainability of the work on Web Based Education (WBE). Online Training Management System is covered in this study range from those that manage resources in training centers as virtual educational enterprises through systems that manage e-course training to those that manage the delivery of multimedia training over local area and wide area networks and the Internet and intranets. It also includes systems that provide virtual e-courses according to quality criteria. The advantages of the proposed intelligent system for trainers and educational enterprises are reducing the training cost. These costs are related to trainers’ salaries, meeting room cost, trainer travel, and meals are quantifiable; the reduction of time being away from the job by employee. Learning times be reduced, delivery of content is possible, self-learning reduces stress and increases trainee satisfaction, interactivity, and help trainee to get quick reference materials.


Intelligent Tutoring System ITS, e-course, e-learning community, UML diagram, Virtual Educational Enterprise, on-Line Training, content standards


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Cite this paper

Safaa S. Mahmoud. (2017) An Intelligent System For Smart On-Line Training Courses. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 2, 201-210


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