

Andreia De Bem Machado



Social Media Concepts - Development of Theoretical

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With the aim of enhancing the communication between different agents and authors, social media generate interconnectivity between different points, as well as providing the link between people, companies, and government, at last, different actors in society. Given the relevance of the theme to the current society, based on knowledge, in this article the objective is to map conception of social media in order to form a concept about the theme. For this, the bibliometric analysis was performed, based on a systematic search in the Scopus database. As a result, it was identified that the research emerges in the field of multidisciplinary areas intersecting the discussions on biochemistry, molecular genetics, psychology, engineering, knowledge management. It was perceived after reading the articles that the research emerges in the field of multidisciplinary areas intersecting the discussions on medicine, molecular genetics, psychology, engineering, knowledge management in the sense of this media serve to support local and global communication and lacking studies in the area.


social networks, social media, bibliometry, concept


Cite this paper

Andreia De Bem Machado. (2020) Social Media Concepts - Development of Theoretical. International Journal of Cultural Heritage, 5, 1-10


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