This document deals with the results of a research project on actions undertaken by women victims of gender violence in the modality of violence of couple and the institutional responses from health and justice sector, their demands or requirements. It describes the main obstacles to the accessibility of services and it's likely part of the implementation of the law 1258 of 2008 of prevention, promotion, care and punishment of violence against women in Colombia. The study was conducted in the municipality of Tuluá - Valle del Cauca - Colombia, between the years 2014 - 2015, under the qualitative approach. The results show, once again, that violence against women is a serious violation to their rights and despite the legislative progress and public policy, in Colombia and in particular in Tulua, they remain large obstacles for women to make effective the right to a life free of violence; victims of gender-based violence there are weaknesses in the implementation of the frameworks responsible for the care and restoration of rights of victims, violating the fundamental right of access to justice, judicial authorities which constitutes further discrimination faced by women.
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Damaris Barragán Gamba, Jannet Del Carmen Rivera Crespo. (2017) Roads traveled by female victims of gender-based violence. A study case in municipality of Tuluá - Valle, Colombia. International Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2, 136-148