

July Catalina Romero López, Ana Maria Nieto Mejia



Perceptions on the Credibility in Democracy and Citizen Participation of a Focal Group of Fifteen Students of the Faculty of Law of the Uceva, Tuluá, Valle

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This article is the product of the investigative process of the thematic perceptions on the credibility of democracy and citizen participation of a focus group of fifteen students of the Law Program at This article is the product of the investigative process of the thematic perceptions on the credibility of democracy and citizen participation of a focus group of fifteen-year-old students of the Law Program of the Unidad Central Del Valle del Cauca (UCEVA) Tuluá Valle Del Cauca, Colombia. The general objective of the study was to identify perceptions of credibility in democracy and citizen participation, within the UCEVA. On the other hand, the type of research was qualitative ethnographic. Likewise, the research focused on the development of the subjects of study in relation to the democratic processes within the university. Because they consider that they are permanent processes that the professors from their chairs have contributed to a formation in these processes, but that it is a duty to insist that it has a much more ethical tint, in addition they emphasize that their participation is very active, that is to say, that the participation of the academic community in electoral processes is high and allows an ideological freedom. However, a minority of those investigated do not believe in the democratic processes within the Institution, believing that they do not have a specific purpose that they do not serve or claim that the candidates do not socialize their proposals or work plans. In general, the issue of democracy is articulated with education, since from this discipline they are oriented and political subjects are formed so that with their leadership they participate and represent the system of government and transform the dynamics of social institutions.


Democracy, credibility, citizen participation, education, complexity, subjects, politics


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Cite this paper

July Catalina Romero López, Ana Maria Nieto Mejia. (2018) Perceptions on the Credibility in Democracy and Citizen Participation of a Focal Group of Fifteen Students of the Faculty of Law of the Uceva, Tuluá, Valle. International Journal of Cultural Heritage, 3, 53-61


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