

Dilgam Tagiyev, Asmet Azizova, Mirsalim Asadov



Synthesis, Characterization and Physico-chemical Properties of Novel Mixed Ligand Platinum(Ii) Complexes with Nitrogen and Sulfur Atoms

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Recently, a keen interest of researchers has been caused by the purposeful construction of compounds based on multinuclear complexes of transition metals as a new range of molecular biologically active substances. The analysis according to known datum of investigation of mixed ligand complexes (MLC) of the transition d-metals indicates that their constitutions and structures depend on condition of synthesis, nature of donor atoms and initial compounds of d-metals. In presented paper the results of physico-chemical investigation of synthesized individual and mixed ligand platinum(II) complexes with ethylene-aminoacetic and mercaptoacetic acids were given. The technique of synthesis of individual and mixed ligand platinum(II) complexes with ethylene-diaminoacetic and mercaptoacetic acids has been developed. The structures, thermoprecipitation processes and physico-chemical properties of the mentioned compounds have been studied by elemental analysis, IR-spectroscopy, thermography and conductometric method. When the obtained complex compounds interact with test-microorganisms they indicate antimicrobial activity


Synthesis, Mixed ligand, Platinum(II) complexes, Nitrogen and Sulfur Atoms, Complex formation, Physico-chemical properties, Antimicrobial activity


Cite this paper

Dilgam Tagiyev, Asmet Azizova, Mirsalim Asadov. (2019) Synthesis, Characterization and Physico-chemical Properties of Novel Mixed Ligand Platinum(Ii) Complexes with Nitrogen and Sulfur Atoms. International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Systems, 4, 32-37


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