AUTHOR(S): Anand Vaghela, C. K. Timbadia
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ABSTRACT Efficiency is the convergence of potential in the real and the potential of farmers may be changed after the influence of KVK. This research is conducted in year 2021-2022 in Gujarat. So, the research was conducted to study the profile of KVK trainees about influences of KVK. A random sampling method was used to selection of 150 KVK trainees from all purposive selections of 30 KVKs in Gujarat. An Ex-post-facto research design was used. Majority of the KVK trainees belonged to middle to young age group, had primary to secondary level of education, medium to marginal size of land holding, medium to small family size, membership in more than one organization, farming alone or farming with animal husbandry as the main occupation, frequently asses the source of information, good to best decision making ability, medium to low level of annual income and risk orientation, medium to high level of farming experience, innovativeness, economic orientations and scientific orientation. While, majority of KVK trainees had moderate level of efficiency regarding influence of KVK. |
KEYWORDS Efficiency, Influence, KVK trainees and Ex-Post Facto |
Cite this paper Anand Vaghela, C. K. Timbadia. (2022) Efficiency of KVK Trainees about Influence of KVK. International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Systems, 7, 17-20 |