AUTHOR(S): K. Uma Maheswari, S. Mirunalini, B. Vinothini, K. Soundarya, V. Vigneshwari
TITLE Remote Health Monitoring for Elder Patients Using Wearable Sensors |
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ABSTRACT Health devices are increasingly helping people to monitor their status both at an activity/fitness level for selfhealth tracking and at a medical level providing more data to physicians with a potential for earlier diagnostic and guidance of treatment. Most of heart attacks will lay to death before getting any treatments because traditional methods are passive, by which patients unabe to call the services and fell unconsious. Internet of things(IoT) visualizes the way forward in solving in problem of medical care for something anyplace by anyone at anytime. In order realise pervasive healthcare system a remote healthcare monitoring is essential. Multiple physical signs such as ECG,heartrate,blood pressure, blood gulcose,SpO2 with patient’s location are designed to be sampled at different rates continuosly using IoT with live GPS location tracking system.A sample prototype is implemented to present an overview of an system. |
KEYWORDS Arduino UNO; heartbeat sensor; ECG sensor; SpO2 sensor,blood pressure sensor,laser,LDR,GPS module and GSM module |
Cite this paper K. Uma Maheswari, S. Mirunalini, B. Vinothini, K. Soundarya, V. Vigneshwari. (2021) Remote Health Monitoring for Elder Patients Using Wearable Sensors. International Journal of Biology and Biomedicine, 6, 1-4 |