

Ji-Yong Jung, Jung-Ja Kim



Analysis of the Foot Pressure Distribution for Scoliotic Patients using an Instrumented Treadmill

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the foot pressure distribution pattern of patients with idiopathic scoliosis using an instrumented treadmill. 14 subjects were participated in this study and divided into two groups according to the curve direction. All subjects were asked to walk on a treadmill for 1 minute at a speed of 4.0 km/h. To analyze the variation of the foot pressure distribution, all data were classified with four stages of the stance phase: loading response, mid-stance, terminal stance and pre-swing phase. The opposite tendency was observed in the foot pressure distribution between two groups. In addition, significant differences in the force between the convex and concave side were presented at mid-stance and terminal stance phase. From these results, it was suggested that the direction of the scoliotic curve can influence on dynamic foot pressure distribution and postural balance. Furthermore, an instrumented treadmill can be utilized to assess gait mechanism as well as to monitor the progression of exercise program for scoliotic patients in rehabilitation medicine.


Idiopathic scoliosis, foot pressure distribution, instrumented treadmill, gait, postural balance


Cite this paper

Ji-Yong Jung, Jung-Ja Kim. (2019) Analysis of the Foot Pressure Distribution for Scoliotic Patients using an Instrumented Treadmill. International Journal of Biology and Biomedicine, 4, 11-14


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