

Engi̇n Yarali



Sensory Analysis In Meat and Meat Products

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Sensory analysis is one of the most widely used methods of food analysis today. The first method applied in this regard is the triangle test, which was performed in Scandinavian countries in 1940, and new test methods emerged in the USA and other European countries in the future. In general, sensory analysis is a discipline based on the perception, measurement, and interpretation of food in taste, smell, sight, touch, and auditory senses. Meat is a very important foodstuff in human nutrition among foods of animal origin, both with its nutritional value and its unique taste, flavor and aroma. The basis quality of meat production is directly related to the slaughter and processing of properly bred butchery animals in hygienic environments. Sensory evaluation of meat is important in the acceptability of meat and meat products, and the characteristics of meat such as color, texture, softness, juiciness, flavor and aroma are evaluated. Today, many analysis methods are used in food quality control and objective and instrumental analyzes that can fully meet sensory evaluations are not available.


Sensory characteristics, sensory assesment, sensory test, panel, meat, meat products


Cite this paper

Engi̇n Yarali. (2023) Sensory Analysis In Meat and Meat Products. International Journal of Agricultural Science, 8, 27-37


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