AUTHOR(S): Gayatri. A, Giridhar. K, Suryakumari. S, Dorajeerao A. V. D
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ABSTRACT The present experiment was carried out to assess the genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for different characters in 46 diverse genotypes of turmeric. The experiment was carried out in ABD (Augmented Block Design) during kharif 2017-18. The genetic parameters, viz., phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV), genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), heritability in broad sense genetic advance and genetic advance as per cent mean were estimated for all the twenty four characters in this study. The highest percentage of phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation was observed for characters like PAL activity (in dry leaves), weight of primary rhizomes, curcumin yield , ferulic acid , PAL activity (in dry leaves) and number of primary rhizomes i.e., 58.51% and 58.96%, 49.99 %and 50.50%, 49.95% and 51.07%, 46.05% and 46.77%, 42.03% and 44.17%, 38.98% and 40.40% respectively. Selection in these characters may be effective as the environment influence on these characters is limited.High heritability was observed for all the characters have exhibited high heritability except leaf width and carbohydrate content which recorded moderate heritability. High GAM values were recorded in plant height, number of tillers per plant, number of leaves per plant, leaf length, weight of mother rhizome, number and weight of primary rhizomes, number and weight of secondary rhizomes, clump weight, protein content in leaves, PAL activity (fresh and dry), total phenolics in leaves, curcumin content in leaf at 150, 180 DAS, curcumin content and curcumin yield. |
KEYWORDS Turmeric, Genetic variability, Heritability, curcumin, DAS- Days after sowing PAL, Genetic advance |
Cite this paper Gayatri. A, Giridhar. K, Suryakumari. S, Dorajeerao A. V. D. (2022) Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance Studies in Turmeric (Curcuma Longa L.) in Krishna-godavari Agroclimatic Zone of Andhrapradesh. International Journal of Agricultural Science, 7, 172-178 |