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Structural Characterization of AlxGa1-xSb - IARAS



José Eladio Flores-Mena, Joel Díaz-Reyes, José Moisés Gutiérrez-Arias, María Montserrat Morin-Castillo



Structural Characterization of AlxGa1-xSb

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Using the liquid phase epitaxy technique under supercooling conditions we have grown AlxGa1-xSb layers doped with tellurium lattice-matched to (100) n-GaSb. AlxGa1-xSb ternary solid solutions with 0.05=x =0.2 were grown at 400ºC. High resolution X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy were used to characterize the structural quality of the grown AlxGa1-xSb layers. The out of plane lattice parameter was estimated directly from the asymmetrical diffractions (115) and (-1-15) alloy. These results show that some of the layers are more strained than others. The out of plane lattice parameter as a function of Al content is higher than the corresponding bulk lattice parameter of AlxGa1-xSb layers obtained with Vegard’s law. Two peaks are observed in their Raman spectra over this composition range. The assignment of the observed vibrational modes to GaSb-like is discussed.


Liquid phase epitaxy (LPE), III–V alloy compound semiconductors, AlGaSb, High resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), Phonons, RAMAN spectroscopy


Cite this paper

José Eladio Flores-Mena, Joel Díaz-Reyes, José Moisés Gutiérrez-Arias, María Montserrat Morin-Castillo. (2018) Structural Characterization of AlxGa1-xSb. International Journal of Applied Physics, 3, 49-54


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