

Abdul-Wali Ajlouni, Hanan Makallawi



Lattice Specific Heat: A New Generalized Approach

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Peter Debye developed method for estimating the phonon contribution to the specific heat (heat capacity) in a solid, known as the Debye model in thermodynamics and solid-state physics. This model correctly explains the low temperature dependence of the heat capacity, which is proportional to T3. It also recovers the Dulong-Petit law at high temperatures. But due to simplifying assumptions, its accuracy suffers at intermediate temperatures. He assumed that ?=?/? as a general case, but in fact it is not, since ? is constant of ω and ? only for small ? values but he used this assumption for the whole volume of ? space Brillouin zone. In this paper we make a generalized approach by choosing the real values of ? which are not a constant of ? and ? to generalize Debye model. The phonon vibrational energy and heat capacity results of this approach are the same as those presented in the ordinary Debye model for low and high temperatures and give proper results for other temperature values.


Debye model, Thermal properties, Statistical method, Brillouin zone, ? function, Heat capacity


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Abdul-Wali Ajlouni, Hanan Makallawi. (2022) Lattice Specific Heat: A New Generalized Approach. International Journal of Applied Physics, 7, 5-8


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