

Asmita Bhausaheb Takale, T. Paul Lazarus



Impact of Climate Extremes on the Livelihood

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The terms “climate change”, “climate extremes” and “global warming” are often used interchangeably to refer to essentially the phenomenon of rapid changes in earth system dynamics that have been occurring at an increasing rate over the past two or more centuries. Climate extreme events are occurring mostly due to climate change in the last decade. Historical background of climate extremes and their causes has been focused. Impact of climate extremes on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, population displacement, poverty, gendered livelihood, decreased labor productivity has been analyzed. Environment is something we are trustees of and have to leave behind a better environment for our children.


Climate change, climate extremes, impact on livelihood, global warming, agriculture sector


Cite this paper

Asmita Bhausaheb Takale, T. Paul Lazarus. (2022) Impact of Climate Extremes on the Livelihood. Food and Nutrition Science - An International Journal, 6, 16-23


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