

H. N. Ramya, S. R. Santhosh Kumar, Shivabasappa Kandkur



Coconut Testa as a Functional and Healthy Ingredient in Food Products: A Review

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The brown skin covering the coconut kernel is testa, mainly a by-product from the coconut processing industry is getting wasted. During the reparation of desiccicated coconut, coconut milk and virgin coconut oil the testa is removed by paring the dry/ wet coconut as it imparts a brown colour to the oil and a dull appearance to other products. As the coconut matures the thickness of the testa increase and gives brown colour to the bottom layer of the kernel. Coconut testa contained more of natural antioxidants such as tocopherols, tocotrienols and phenolics compared to coconut kernel oil and may confer health benefits. Presence of phenolic compounds is mainly responsible for the antioxidant properties of virgin coconut oil. The final phenolics content of coconut oil depends on the components of the endosperm. Information on the components of coconut testa is rare. Therefore, Coconut testa can be utilized in food products to improve their health benefits and commercial values. This review focuses on the current food applications and influence of coconut testa on the characteristics of various food products.


Coconut Testa, Food Processing Wastes, Functional Ingredients, Nutritional Value


Cite this paper

H. N. Ramya, S. R. Santhosh Kumar, Shivabasappa Kandkur. (2023) Coconut Testa as a Functional and Healthy Ingredient in Food Products: A Review. Food and Nutrition Science - An International Journal, 7, 19-24


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