

Kamini Singh, Lal Singh Gangwar



Planting Techniques in Sugarcane Cultivation: A Review

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The second-largest producer of sugarcane in the world, India has steadily increased its output potential over the past 20 years to meet the world's need for energy and sweeteners. The most crucial and labour-intensive step in sugarcane cultivation is planting. It is common practise to vegetative propagated crops like sugarcane, setts with single bud to six buds, settling prepared from tissue culture, or single buds in nurseries. Most commercial planting methods use the flat planting, ridges and furrows, or ring pit techniques. The researchers found that the setts with two buds have a germination rate of 65 to 70% and a higher yield. Although single-budded setts also give 70% germination if chemically treated, larger setts do survive inclement weather better. Modern sugarcane planting methods use partially or entirely automated planting devices. Even today, more than 80% of the sugarcane planted in India, Brazil, Australia, and other countries throughout the world is done so by hand. These offer a peek of the modern sugarcane cultivation techniques used in India. The adoption of the best planting techniques is one of the most significant researchable priority that may be developed to solidify the huge potential of sugarcane production towards enhanced sustainability. The paper suggested the most common and popular different types of sugarcane planting methods.


Sugarcane production, Climate requirement, Soil requirement, Planting methods


Cite this paper

Kamini Singh, Lal Singh Gangwar. (2023) Planting Techniques in Sugarcane Cultivation: A Review. International Journal of Agricultural Science, 8, 357-370


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