Exploratory Study of Inventory Management Techniques on Organisational Performance

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This study was conducted in AB Technologies Ltd, Malaysia. The main purpose of this research was to investigate inventory management on organisational performance of AB Ltd. The study also focusses on the current techniques of inventory management used at AB Ltd. The study was conducted through case study-based approach, using quantitative and qualitative methods through structured interviews, questionnaires and observations, and literature work. Total 80 respondents of AB Ltd were targeted from various departments for this study. The study revealed that inventory management has an important effect on productivity and positive correlation on organisational performance. However, the findings found that AB Ltd faced challenges while not implementing inventory management systems and no accurate forecast to manage their inventories. Hence, the study aims to provide recommendations to AB Ltd on approaching suitable inventory system and to ensure an accurate forecasting in inventory planning. As vital part in inventory management to maintain consistency of production, effectiveness and organisational profitability


Inventory Management, Organisational Performance, Supply Chain Management, Inventory Management Techniques


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Satya Shah, Yamunah Thegar. (2021) Exploratory Study of Inventory Management Techniques on Organisational Performance. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 6, 291-302


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