Estimation of Heterosis in Drought Tolerant Hybrids of Cocoa

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Production of hybrids may be the best way to exploit the heterosis in cocoa and wide crossing to exploit hybrid vigour is the most accepted method of cocoa breeding. Hybrid seedlings are generally preferred as planting material in view of right plant architecture, ease in management, less cost involved and resistance to abiotic and biotic stress.


Theobroma cacao, Relative heterosis, Heterobeltiosis, Nitrate reductase, Chlorophyll, Photosynthesis


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Juby Baby, Mimimol J. S., B. Suma, A. V. Santhosh Kumar. (2021) Estimation of Heterosis in Drought Tolerant Hybrids of Cocoa. International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Systems, 6, 29-36


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