A Comparative Efficiency Evaluation of OIZs Located in The Aegean Region of Turkey

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With the planned development era began in the early 1960s in Turkey, Organized Industrial Zone (OIZs) began to be established in each province. The main objective in the establishment of OIZs is to achieve a balanced industrial development in the country as a whole, to eliminate the differences between regions, to increase employment and qualified labor force in the regions. OIZs with low occupancy rates lead the question of if the OIZs perform efficiently. In this work, rank-order according to the efficiency scores of OIZs located in the Aegean Region of Turkey is obtained by employing four different data envelopment analysis models, and the ranking results are compared.


Data Envelopment Analysis, Decision making, Decision support systems, Organized industrial zones, Performance evaluation


Cite this paper

Mehtap Dursun, Nazli Goker. (2021) A Comparative Efficiency Evaluation of OIZs Located in The Aegean Region of Turkey. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 6, 273-276


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