Tool for Risk-Based Operation of Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems

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The aim of risk management of socio-cyber-physical systems at operation is the integral safety which ensures their co-existence with their vicinity throughout their life cycles. On the basis of present knowledge and experience, part of risks that threaten socio-cyber-physical systems is coped by preven-tive measures during their designing and manufacturing. Due to dynamic changes of the world, the con-ditions of socio-cyber-physical systems at operations change. If changes exceed the socio-cyber-physical systems´ safety limits which were inserted into their designs, the accidents or socio-cyber-physical systems´ failures occur. The presented risk management plan is tool which ensures the correct response to such unaccepted situations and fast ensuring the safety


Socio-cyber-physical system, operation, failure, risk sources, safety, coexistence, risk management plan.


Cite this paper

Dana Prochazkova, Jan Prochazka. (2021) Tool for Risk-Based Operation of Socio-Cyber-Physical Systems. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 6, 69-81


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