Affiliation of Optimum Risk Engineering Tools to Technical Facility Management Main Targets Achievement

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The study of accidents and failures of complex technical facilities has shown that in many cases, these phenomena occur when the technical facility integral risk exceeds the certain criticality rate, i.e. also if larger number of small risk sources executes in technical facility in a short period of time and their impacts are specially interconnected. The present risk engineering tools are diverse and have different requirements for data, knowledge, processing time, i.e. finance, and practice is of course interested in the least demanding tools. The article shows optimum risk engineering tools working with risks for achievement of main three targets of technical facility (reliability; security; safety), which depend on the technical facilities´ complexity rate.


Technical facility; complexity; risk; risk engineering tools; safety; security; reliability; risk man-agement


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Dana Prochazkova, Jan Prochazka. (2020) Affiliation of Optimum Risk Engineering Tools to Technical Facility Management Main Targets Achievement. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 5, 233-244


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