A Study of Factors Affecting Highway Accident Rates in Jordan

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Traffic accidents are one of the problems that all countries around the world face. One of the countries that face this problem is Jordan which witnesses continuous growth in population in addition to the development that Jordan passes through. This study has adopted descriptive and statistical analysis of the data and information concerning traffic accidents. The study aims at illustrating the factors and the causes that lead to traffic accidents. It also compares the data concerning accidents during the period (2008-2017). This research work discusses the factors that affect the rate of accidents in Jordan, this factors include: number of accidents in (peak hour, off peak hour), day or night conditions, weather conditions, road surface conditions and speed limit. The Multiple linear Regression Model in this study has been developed to recognize the factors that affect the rate of accidents in Jordan. One of the results was fair weather is one of the most effective factors that affect the rate of accidents in Jordan.


traffic engineering, traffic accidents, traffic safety, traffic risk rate, vehicle crashes, crash-injury severity.


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Cite this paper

Suzanne Al Jazzazi, Wlla Al Mhairat, Asma Al Zyod. (2018) A Study of Factors Affecting Highway Accident Rates in Jordan. International Journal of Transportation Systems, 3, 30-40


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