

Simon Sadbury



Engineering Rewiring of the Body to Treat the Motor Neurone Disease

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In this paper a comprehensive treatment of Motor Neurone Disease is proposed. To achieve this goal a Neurone Impulse Generator is built. The action impulses produced by the Neurone impulse Generators are used to inject the dendrites of the motor neurons by the right number of impulses per second. The idea is to monitor the number of action impulses per second which are produced by different motor neurons inside the body. It can be done if we connected electrodes inside the body to monitor the number of action impulses produced by the axels of the motor neurons. Then we would feed these numbers into the input ports of multiple parallel microprocessors. The microprocessors analyse the information fed to the input ports and decide whether it sends start pulses to the different Neurone Impulse Generators built inside the body in the Ganglion area. As a result, the Neurone Impulse Generators would produce the right number of impulses needed by the motor neurons to function properly. Once the right number of impulses are produced by the Neurone Impulse Generators stop pulses are produced by the microprocessors. These stop pulses would be sent to the Neurone Impulse Generators via the output ports. Usually two pulses are sent to every Neurone Impulse Generator to stop. The outputs of the Neurone Impulse Generators are fed to the dendrites of the motor neurons. The triggering of motor neurons by the right number of impulses may increase its life span and limit the destructive effects of the Motor Neurone Disease on the internal and external muscles of the body. Comparing the work in this paper to the latest research in the area of treatment of Motor Neurone Disease, it is clear that this paper provides the most comprehensive treatment of the Motor Neurone Disease. Also, the treatment method in this paper is compatible with the other research results. In other words, the treatment proposed by the latest research work may enhance the treatment proposed by this paper and there are no contradictions between them. The details of the comparison between the research in this paper and the research of other research Institutes are mentioned in the Conclusion of this paper.


Motor Neurone Disease, Neurone Impulse Generator, Ganglion area


Cite this paper

Simon Sadbury. (2019) Engineering Rewiring of the Body to Treat the Motor Neurone Disease. International Journal of Computers, 4, 9-18


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