

Hassan B. Hashim



Design Smart Phones For Police, Iraqi Using Sql Database and Application Xdk

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This examination contains the improved parts of the outline of the shrewd cell phone of the Iraqi Federal Police (IFB). The principle movement engaged with configuration is the manner by which to spare the application capacity of the gadget to help capture offenders or, on the other hand suspects, who have a criminal record in the database by cops and their records in data frameworks (IFB). The database contains records of lawbreakers and their crooks, a foot watch officer can send information through this application and find the solution rapidly, which added to the cutting edge methods for correspondence down the wrongdoing rate. The (MySQL) database tables are planned with application (XDK) to coordinate this proposed and appropriate model through the three-life test tables in Baghdad city chose by populace thickness and wrongdoing levels


Phone; Application; Smart; database ; sql ; system ; xdk


Cite this paper

Hassan B. Hashim. (2019) Design Smart Phones For Police, Iraqi Using Sql Database and Application Xdk. International Journal of Computers, 4, 45-51


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