AUTHOR(S): Roumen Trifonov, Slavcho Manolov, Radoslav Yoshinov, Georgi Tsochev, Galya Pavlova
TITLE Artificial Intelligence Methods for Cyber Threats Intelligence |
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ABSTRACT Following ENISA's findings on the two main trends in Cyber Defence development over the past few years - adopting the philosophy and methods of Military Intelligence and introducing Artificial Intelligence into technologies for counteraction of cyber attacks - the Faculty of Computer Systems and Technology at Technical University of Sofia undertook research on the application of intelligent methods for increasing the security in computer networks. While in the field of Tactical Cyber Threats Intelligence the research has already passed into the real-world prototyping phase, in the sphere of Operational Cyber Threats Intelligence (as in the international research community) the research is still at an early stage |
KEYWORDS Cyber Threats Intelligence, Tactical, Operational, Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Agent Systems, Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems, Behavioural Model, Machine Learning, Neural Networks, Reservoir Computing, Sequential Feature Selection |
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Cite this paper Roumen Trifonov, Slavcho Manolov, Radoslav Yoshinov, Georgi Tsochev, Galya Pavlova. (2017) Artificial Intelligence Methods for Cyber Threats Intelligence. International Journal of Computers, 2, 129-135 |