

Hadji Salah



An Experimental Segmentation Study Techniques and Analysis of Medical Images

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Research field in Image processing have many topics such as medical image segmentation to make it we must extract relevant feature of desired image into regions of pixels having same characteristics which provide invaluable information about shape, size, and localization of object (tumors cancer for example) , without exposing the patient to a high ionization radiation. There are different types of segmentation techniques denoted: 1- Edge based segmentation. 2-Threshold Based Segmentation 3- Region Based Segmentation 4- Clustering 5- Matching. In this paper we have implement most segmentation techniques for medical image in Matlab environment and compare them.


Image Segmentation, Segmentation Methods, Clustering, Image processing, Thresholding Methods, Edge based Methods


Cite this paper

Hadji Salah. (2022) An Experimental Segmentation Study Techniques and Analysis of Medical Images. International Journal of Signal Processing, 7, 86-94


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