

Vasiliki Iliopoulou



Teacher Training for Second Chance Schools

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Second Chance Schools (SCS) address to young people aged over 18 who have not completed nine year compulsory education for a variety of reasons, such as because they failed at school or because they abandoned it due to lack of incentives. Surveys, which have been conducted in SCSs, have shown the reasons why SCS trainees have left compulsory education and they are grouped on family, learner and school reasons. In particular, family reasons refer to the needs and obligations of SCS students in their families, low income and poverty, care of other members of their family, even the long distance of their school from home. In addition, parents' mindset is also cited as a cause of school failure. The reasons related to the students-trainees refer to the immaturity they gave to themselves, to the recklessness and irresponsibility they gave at that time of their life, but also to the ignorance of the future usefulness of school. Intra-school factors are not lacking as a reason for leaving school and are related to negative experiences of the students-trainees in the formal school.


Adult education, second chance school, lifelong learning


Cite this paper

Vasiliki Iliopoulou. (2019) Teacher Training for Second Chance Schools. International Journal of Education and Learning Systems, 4, 32-35


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