

Chanpreet Kaur, Mohinder Lal, Sandeep Singh, Kamalesh Kumar



Effect of Different Weed Management Practices On Growth And Yield Of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)

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The experiment was conducted during the rabi season of 2019-20 at the Campus for research and advanced studies Dhablan of G.S.S.D.G.S. Khalsa College, Patiala. The field experiment was laid out in randomized block design with 10 different treatments that replicates three times. The results revealed that besides weed free treatment, the maximum growth attributes, yield attributes and yield were found with the application of treatment T6 (Pendimethalin @1.25 kg ha-1 (P.E.) + One hand weeding at 45 DAS) which was statistically at par with the application of treatment T4 (Two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS) where as these characters were found significantly minimum under weedy check. Besides, weed free treatment, the lowest weed population, dry matter of weeds (g m-2), weed index (%) as well as highest weed control efficiency (%) was also found with the application of treatment T6 (Pendimethalin @1.25 kg ha-1 (P.E.) + One hand weeding at 45 DAS). Pre emergence application of pendimethalin @1.25 kg ha-1 + One hand weeding at 45 DAS recorded higher B:C ratio, hence it is the most effective treatment among the other treatments.


Fennel, weed population, plant growth, yield, B:C ratio


Cite this paper

Chanpreet Kaur, Mohinder Lal, Sandeep Singh, Kamalesh Kumar. (2022) Effect of Different Weed Management Practices On Growth And Yield Of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.). International Journal of Agricultural Science, 7, 146-154


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