

D. Rusinaru, L. G. Manescu, G. C. Buzatu, M. Ciontu, I. R. Gherlan, M. I. Siminica, A. I. Cojoaca



Research Laboratory for Monitoring and Analysis of Power Quality in Power Distribution Grids

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INCESA, the University of Craiova’s project financed through European grants, has already initiated large projects on topics such as smart grids, energy storage, transmission and distribution system, renewable energy. The research projects on these topics are conducted specifically in the framework of the INCESA’s Smart Grids Research Laboratory (SGRL). The aim of this paper is to introduce the infrastructure of SGRL and the operational characteristics and monitoring facilities of its units. The results of a study case are also presented in order to demonstrate the capabilities of the hardware and software laboratory infrastructure suitable for comprehensive power quality assessments personalized for industry applications (power distribution grids facilities).


smart grid, research unit, renewable source, testbed, power quality


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Cite this paper

D. Rusinaru, L. G. Manescu, G. C. Buzatu, M. Ciontu, I. R. Gherlan, M. I. Siminica, A. I. Cojoaca. (2017) Research Laboratory for Monitoring and Analysis of Power Quality in Power Distribution Grids. International Journal of Power Systems, 2, 47-52


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