AUTHOR(S): Rob Van Der Burg, Raul Valverde, Beatriz Torres
TITLE Process Guidelines for Global Leaders: How to Effectively Manage International Teams |
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ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to show how leaders can be supported in creating and managing international teams in a more effective and efficient way. This paper tries to fill the gap between the more theoretical findings as presented in the literature and a pragmatic approach which can be used for execution by these leaders and teams. The main findings in the research is that although the leaders have a vast set of skills they require to do their jobs, it seems that the major issue is the different 'view on the world’ and in more detail the differences between a leader and his team if he or she comes from a different cultural background. The paper aims to support people who work in international teams in different roles and locations. |
KEYWORDS Team Leadership, Leadership styles, Cultural Awareness, Emotional Awareness, and Leadership Processes |
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Cite this paper Rob Van Der Burg, Raul Valverde, Beatriz Torres. (2017) Process Guidelines for Global Leaders: How to Effectively Manage International Teams. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 2, 121-133 |